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Special Vehicle
Engineering Vehicle is mostly included Truck Mounted Crane, Asphalt Distributor Truck, Heavy Duty Crane Truck, Flatbed Truck, Concrete Mixer Truck, Logging Truck, Concrete Pump Truck, Dump Truck, Synchronous Chip Sealer, Slurry Seal Coat Truck, etc. They are most design for truck working for a government project. Engineering vehicles are the backbone of a construction project. Due to their emergence, the progress of construction projects has been doubled, which has greatly reduced manpower. They are used for engineering carrying, digging, repairing, and even combat. According to the site model, we have: 8×4, 6×4, 4×2 Divided by volume: we have: 18CBM, 20CBM, 25CBM,and so on 28CBM, 30CBM,35CBM,40CBM,and so on Divided according to load:we have:20tons, 13tons 15tons,18tons,35tons,40tons and so on.